cantinho gourmet
Handmade Foodstuffs
An interesting selection of fruit preserves, liquors, olive oils and chocolates from all over Portugal. Their selection is original and you can find some rare regional specialties here that are not featured in other gourmet food shops around Lisbon.
Largo de Comoes
Rua do Loreto, 11
Chiado, Lisboa
conserveira de lisboa
Fish in a Can
Located in Baixa, this is an old-fashioned shelf-lined shop with stacks of tins, reaching into thousands, filled with sardines tuna, anchovies, and more. The tins are often wrapped in tri-tone paper labels that have not changed since the 1930‘s when the shop first opened. Peeling open one of these vintage-looking containers, one can taste the sincere flavors and delight that the Portuguese have in their harvests from the sea.
Rua dos Bacalhoeiros, 34
Baixa, Lisboa
Phone: 214 659520
mercearia da atalaia
Handmade foodstuffs
This gourmet deli is known for its high-quality products from Portugal and abroad. It offers Portuguese desserts and a selection of jams, teas and coffees, homemade bread, chocolates, herbs and spices, and wines.
Rua da Atalaia, 64A
Bairro Alto, Lisboa
Phone: 213421104
manuel tavares
Handmade Foodstuffs
This old-fashioned grocery store dating from 1860 has a huge selection of chocolates, cured meats, wines, nuts, dried fruits, cheeses, and vintage wines from all over Portugal. You can sample many of the traditional products before you buy them if they have something open. The staff is friendly, helpful and will happily answer your questions about some of the more unusual-looking items.
Rua da Betesga, 1A
Baixa, Lisboa
Phone: 213 424 209
espaço açores
Handmade Foodstuffs
Everything from the Azores Islands that can be carried fresh to Lisbon every week. Cheeses, fruit preserves, and the only tea produced in Europe. There are also a few handicraft items and beverages.
Rua de São Julião, 58
Baixa, Lisboa
claudio corallo cacau & café
For Serious Chocoholics Only!
Oooh, the temptation! Ricciardo, Bettina, and Niccolo Corallo are a chocolatiering family with a long history of cocoa fields and coffee plantations they maintain on the West African islands and former colonies of São Tome and Príncipe. They opened their own shop in Lisbon in 2008 and have become notorious for the painstaking care taken during every stage of production. Their earthy mod boutique has a unique variety of chocolate-covered items and even raw cacao for the hardcore. A popular item is a chocolate truffle filled with a rare liqueur made from the fermentation of cocoa-fruit husks. “Look, there's no metaphysics on earth like chocolates.” - Fernando Pessoa, Portuguese Poet.
Rua da Escola Politécnica, 4
Príncipe Real, Lisbon
Phone: 213 362158
o pão nosso
Bread Shop & Cafe
Our daily bread rekindles the traditional “Neighborhood Bakery" which, over the years, has begun to disappear in Portugal. This modern and friendly neighborhood bakery brings the best flavors and aromas of bread from different regions of Portugal, inviting customers to explore the rich variety of breads in Portugal. In addition to the sale of loose bread and pastry products, there are light meals, salads, and sandwiches.
Rua Marquês Sá da Bandeira, 46B
Mon to Sat: 7:30am to 8:00pm, and Sun: 9:30am to 7:00pm

eat portugal
Blog & Book
Eat Portugal – the blog is a great starting point for foodies considering eating their way through Portugal. written by Portuguese journalists, in English, this blog is compiled by the two authors of the Eat Portugal book, Lucy Pepper and Célia Pedroso. Here you will find extracts from the book, suggestions, recipes, and musings about Portuguese food.

companhia portugueza do cha
Tea Importer
The hot tea beverage was first introduced to Europe by Portuguese priests and merchants in China during the 16th century. Less than 100 years later Europe and the English Empire had become obsessed with the variety of teas that were arriving at their ports through Portuguese merchants. After the fall of the Portuguese Empire, it was a challenge to find a quality tea house and a proper tea service in the capital of Lisbon until this gem of a little shop opened in December 2015. The aromas are the first thing you will notice when you walk into the cozy Companhia Portugueza do Cha tea house. The owner is passionate about teas, with an impressive selection from China, the Azores Islands, India, Vietnam, Nepal, And Japan just to name a few. The number 28 electric trolley stops right in front of the shop.
Rua Poco dos Negros, 123
Santos, Lisboa

cerveja oitava colina
Microbrewery in Lisbon
Partners in zymurgy, (beer making), João Lobo e João Mendes make their fermented brews honestly, with the finest ingredients, without tricks, or chemicals. Just water, malt, hops (a lot), and yeast. These are unfiltered beers, full of flavor, with natural carbonation produced by fermentation. There are three styles available: Zé Arnaldo, Urraca Vendaval e Florinda, and the tastes are far from conventional. Florinda, for example, has an aroma of tropical juice. Zé Arnaldo, is a Robust Porter, a dark beer with sweet malts and roasted. It is creamy and dense and persistent brownish foam. Urraca Vendaval is an India Pale Ale, quite bitter with rich malts and citrus aromas. Sit at a table right where the beer is made and sample some Portuguese suds.
Travessa da Pereira nº16 A, arm.
Graca, Lisboa
Phone: 218 278 528

kasutera castella bakery
Eat some delicious history at this tiny bakery. In 1543 the first Westerners to arrive in Japan were Portuguese arriving with objects that would change the course of history. Missionaries trying to evangelize Japan also brought eating habits that still persist in Japanese gastronomy today, (e.g. Tempura, and confectionery such as egg yolk, angel hair, called "Fios de Ovos” and Castella.). It was the Castella that the Japanese most eagerly adopted into their bakeries, and still, today consider a national delicacy. The Japanese love of Castella spread quickly. Over time it was modified and adapted to Japanese tastes under the name “KASUTERA”, sold in elegant rectangular boxes. In 1571 the city of Nagasaki was founded with the purpose of serving as a commercial port with westerners and limiting exposure to the strong presence of Portuguese influences. Countless bakeries dedicated to the making of Castella emerged, and more than four centuries later the most renowned of these bakeries still exist in Nagasaki.
Today, the gift of Castella in Japan is synonymous with respect and friendship. It is common in Japanese weddings where bride and groom thank their guests for coming with an offer of KASUTERA. Eventually, KASUTERA made its way back to Portugal by the proprietors at the famous Cafe Castella do Paulo. However, in 2015 the cafe closed its doors near Praca do Comercio as the owners relocated to Kyoto. In November 2017 KASUTERA has appeared on the streets of Lisbon again thanks to a vibrant young baker of the Cafe Castella do Paulo who was fortunate to have been giving the recipe. Try the traditional or green tea versions in this minimalist bakery with a Japanese esthetic. Take it home to serve with creme fresh, wild fruits and berries, or gelato.
Rua Poco dos Negros, 51
Santos, Lisboa

Farah Trading Co.
Food & wine
You can now order many hard-to-find Portuguese items from the US. Farah Trading Co. is an online boutique and Portuguese wine club based in the US, importing wine, port, olive oil and other artisan products from independent producers in Portugal and delivering to your door across the US. The inspiration for the business was the owner, Rachel Farah's grandmother, Farah whose roots date back to the Sephardic Jewish diaspora from Portugal in the 1500s. Farah was born into a family of Jewish Iraqi traders who immigrated from Baghdad to Shanghai, trading goods along the way and ultimately immigrating to San Francisco in the 1930s. Rachel Farah began importing goods from Portugal to honor her trading roots.